Service Fee & Lumen Burn
Lumen Protocol & Application
Lumen is a free app for everyone. However, we will apply Service Fee when using the following products and conducting Burn $LUMEN. The total amount of burned $LUMEN tokens will be public on the last day of the month and confirmed on Homepage, Twitter or on polygon scan.
NFT Marketplace Transaction Fee : 7% Royalty / 3% Transaction Fee
3% Transaction Fee will be Buyback in USDT. Buyback is conducted on the most liquid exchange and will be on the last day of the month.
Unstaking Fee : 2%
Perform Staking Lock-Up in Staking Zone for a certain period of time. In case of Unstaking in the middle, there will be an Unstaking Fee, 50% of this fee will be put into the Treasury Pool and burned on the last day of the month.
Wallet Service : 0.2%
If you are buying a lottery or trading NFT on Marketplace and need to exchange your USDT or LUMEN tokens to the currency of your destination country, you can use the Lumen Wallet as we offer a transferable service. convert Lumen to USDT with the lowest slippage and fees. Conversely, when you convert USDT to Lumen, you can use Dex Aggregator to automatically convert with the lowest slippage and lowest fees. In the future, we will open our own DEV exchange, but so far, we have found that the Wallet Service system offers the lowest transaction fee of 0.2%. In addition, the Swap fee in Wallet Service for USDT is buyback at the CEX exchange with the highest liquidity and for LUMEN. we will publicize the burn schedule information at the official Homepage or on Twitter every last day of the week.
Swap Fee : 0.3%
Lumen Protocol provides KRW -> LUMEN, MATIC -> LUMEN Swap in accordance with the real-time Lumen price. It is possible to quickly swap in Lumen Wallet without slippage, and fees are incurred accordingly. The generated Lumen fees will be incinerated, and it is expected to contribute the most to reducing the circulation and total supply. The monthly swap fee is disclosed through public notice, and Burn is conducted on the last day of each month.
Lotto Prize Donation : 1%
The lottery prize money can be received by the winner himself or herself by swapping it with the LUMEN token or directly in Canadian dollars. Sometimes, if you are lazy to receive a low prize money or want to take a LUMEN token and try the lottery again, you can donate to anyone who easily subscribes to Lumen Protocol for a 1% fee through Protocol.
Last updated